Exploring the underworld of chip dealing

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Andronakis Clay, Staff Writer

A dangerous game of cat and mouse. A wandering trader looking for another hunger to satisfy. With the ruffle of plastic and the murmur of “good looks,” chip dealers are notorious for feeding the students behind closed doors. The true nature of these inconspicuous pirates is something that students and faculty alike, want to know. 

A junior familiar with the discreet trade had some light to shed on his own experience. “I get my stuff from Sam’s Club.” Truly an optimal way to get supply. Buy in bulk and then sell high. But how profitable can the craft be? “A good week can be $200. A bad week can be from $70 to $90.” Is greed truly enough to risk suspension?

There are downsides to the illegal marketing of course, but it might be something you wouldn’t expect. “People can get annoying. When you are selling they pull up to you and ask for stuff when you don’t have it.” When demand is higher than supply, there’s bound to be a conflict of interest. But what about those who are against illicit commerce? “Most of them don’t even really care. Let me not say that though because now they are going to be on it with security when this comes out.” Spoken from someone who doesn’t want to run out of profit, a businessman until the end.

But what of those who have experienced the unwavering gavel of punishment. A senior who has been in the ringer told her story about getting caught in the act.”I came into school late because of a dentist appointment.  I saw Mr. Schoon standing in the entrance to the main cafeteria and the table that I usually sit at was already filled with people that buy from me.  They crowded around me trying to get some chips and eventually he caught me.” Those familiar with the craft have to be ready to deal with the repercussions. Even if their downfall comes from their own customers.

The unsanctioned pursuit of selling chips is definitely one that leaves some students questioning what is truly right and wrong in the school. Some students struggle to deal with the mental toil it comes along with. “It gives me anxiety. It makes me nervous when a lot of people come around. I’m trying to get better at talking though.” A senior chip dealer said.  Others just appreciate the surplus of money that it brings along. “I just do it, get the cash, and get out of there.” 

Regardless, the underworld of chip dealing is truly an underhanded spectacle to behold.