Esports club offers something for everyone
April 7, 2022
Video games, high stakes competitions, and an entertaining relaxer from a long day of school. The Esports club is an invigorating experience for those video game players, those who think they’re pros, or even people who haven’t picked up a controller before.
Recently it has been pulling more members and attracting more game lovers.
“It’s very energetic, because people bring in a lot of talent. A very alive atmosphere,” Junior Michael Perry said.
Perry is only one of the many members that play a variety of games like MarioKart, 2k, and Fortnite in the club, which holds sessions after school four days a week.
“You learn to mentally trust your friends. Trust is really important in teamwork,” Perry said.
Forming deeper bonds through gaming is one of the many positives about the club. Even those who play competitively can learn new techniques and find enjoyment in the club. Christian Perry is a top 8 Smash player in Northwest Indiana.
“I get to practice movement inside the club. It’s a new experience where you get to get out and do something while meeting new people,” the sophomore said.
Christian Perry said that overall the Esports Club is a great place to learn and have fun.
“It’s very welcoming, and you can learn the basics and fundamentals,” he said.
Sophomore Ca’Marah Beckett, a member who plays MarioKart and Fortnite, is a casual player.
“It’s a place where you can sit, chill, and chat with people,” she said. “Controllers sometimes run out, but people are fine with just sitting down and talking.”
Overall the club has been successful being a place where students can socialize and enjoy playing with their friends.
Organizer Mr. Niksich believes bringing the club to the school was a huge achievement.
“I feel like kids have lost a lot of the human touch in the digital world,” Mr. Niksich said. “It allows them to socialize and put a face with a gamer tag.”
Not only does it help students out mentally, it could help out financially too.
“Scholarships are available for gamers to pursue at the next level — meaning colleges,” Mr. Niksich said. “Esports can give students the motivation to continue learning.”
Recently the club has competed in Chess, Tetris, and Super Smash brothers. In the next few weeks they have a Fortnite tournament. Mr.Niksich feels strongly about the need for tournaments inside and outside the club.
“In my opinion competition is good for the soul. Life is a competition and I want these kids to be competitive in life.” Niksich said. “So if esports brings out any competitive juices in them, I’m all for it.”
Even with over 100 people coming out to the call out meeting, they still have plenty of room for more members.
“If you are looking for a healthy, fun, and safe environment, check out the Esports Club,” Mr. Niksich said.