Maksymilian Pospiech, a senior from Poland, was here at MHS as part of a foreign exchange program.
Pospiech, who is traveling to finish the year in Los Angeles, enjoyed the differences he found here, especially in education.
“Everything is different because it’s like 7,000 thousand miles from here to Poland so education is different, we have to learn everything in Poland, here we can choose classes so I think here is better education,” he said.
One thing he didn’t enjoy was the food.
“We have different food, for me in Poland we have better food but here it is also good. Here for me it’s junk food, hamburgers and fast food like mostly, but in Poland we have more heavy food like meats, potatoes and stuff like that,” Pospiech said.
Even with him seeing some pros and cons to America, he is unsure if he is in a rush to get home. He misses his family and friends, but loves his experiences he is having here in America.
“I like my experience here but you know I’m home sick a little bit. That’s my problem because I have many friends in Poland and family so I miss them,” said Pospiech, who arrived August.
While back home Pospiech is an only child, he did have siblings with his host family here.
“It’s four kids there and they are going to this school. Two of them and another two of them are going to elementary school because they are younger. I like the new experience to meet these people from here there like rulers and everything and culture so yeah it’s nice,” Pospiech said.
With Pospiech being from Poland his main and first language is Polish, but surprisingly they think English is the “future language” in Poland.
“We are speaking Polish in Poland, but in Europe everyone thinks English is like very important for the future. They call us the future language and you have to go to English classes in Poland,” Pospiech said
Pospiech started to learn English at a young age, but started off just how most kids in America do, learning shapes and colors.
”I started learning english in kindergarten, like blue yellow and then elementary school and high school we have English classes,” Pospiech said.