Make America great again, a phrase that brings hope to some and dread to others. No matter how you feel about it, I think we can all agree that it’s a great deceitful tagline. Sure as of right now America definitely needs fixing with inflation gas prices, and don’t get me started on our national debt.
But in terms of making America great again, when was that ever the case. Are we talking about the terrorism of the 2000’s, or the drug abuse of the late ‘80s early ‘90s. How about the unemployment rate of the late ‘70s early ‘80s, and the loss of the Vietnam War in 1973. I could go back further but then I would have to address racism, and that’s something that we should forget about because we’re over it.
Have you noticed a pattern yet, these have been some of America’s best years that people have all this nostalgia for, yet we still had all of this tragedy. Now you might say well other countries have had issues, no country is perfect. And that is a fact that all Americans need to comprehend, that no country is perfect including our own. America is not some shining city upon a hill, but instead is just another mass of dirt surrounded by water.
Our country is not untouchable but quite the opposite, we are very much vulnerable. Sure we might have the most diverse population possible ever in human history, but as a nation we have never been united. Throughout American history, we have always had contrasting ideals, and for the most part have never fully agreed with each other on anything.
Many people believe that America’s biggest threat is either Russia,China or North Korea, but that isn’t fully true. Sure these might be threats to America, and a real contender to America’s power but they won’t be the downfall of America. No, the biggest threat to America is America itself.
The people of this country have so much animosity towards each other that if hard times come to the country people will battle each other. Money is the only thing that is keeping our people sane, but from the way things are going with our currency there is a possibility that it can become useless. And if that goes we are left with nothing but each other and the feelings of hate that are buried in our subconscious.
We as Americans need to deal with the root cause of our hate for each other and learn how to forgive each other. Forgive your enemy for the wrong they have done but don’t forget the wrongs. We should all treat evil with good and good with good to stop the hatred that has plagued us since the beginning. And if we as a whole can’t be united as a nation then we should at least unite our communities .To make this country truly great we need to unite, but not by money or wealth. No, we need to unite with the opposite of hate.