Intersectional feminism movement needs men’s support

Destiny Givens, Staff Writer

Men shouldn’t be afraid to be an intersecctional feminist. Women’s rights, health, and social justice issues are often overlooked by the statements made by men including “maybe women should just work harder,” “that isn’t my problem” and “instead of building a family they should focus on work if they want the same opportunities.” 

Being an intersectional feminist isn’t focusing just on the struggles that white women face, but also the struggles of woman of color and lgbtq+ women, whose voices are often overlooked by their counterparts.

 According to CNBC, 3 in 10 men feel that the feminist movement has come at their expense. This means that nearly 30 percent of men aren’t in support of the women’s rights movement that affects their moms, sisters and daughters. For every man’s dollar, is a white woman’s 78 cents, black woman’s 64 cents, and hispanic woman’s 54 cents. If men were to support this movement instead of being against it, it would help the movement progress.

Men using their privilege  to move the feminist movement would show a progression among the sports industry, work place, health care, etc. Anyone that has higher ground privileges use their voice for women who don’t necessarily have one. Staying quiet about an issue that affects lower-class women, women of color, and lgbtq+ women,  even if it does not directly affect you doesn’t make you a peace keeper, but makes you a part of the problem also.

Among S.B.8 law in Texas is where we can see men and women of all socioeconomic statuses, backgrounds, and colors coming together to fight for an issue that affects many women. Marches, protests, and social media activism is a start to a progressive movement. Men should stand with women among these hard times and be a shoulder to lean on instead of a clashing battle. Unity and equality is the only thing that will advance intersectional feminism, but we have to be willing to do it.