Class president happy to help create special year for seniors

Class President Azariah Crosby is shown helping decorate the senior float.

Colin Rogers, Staff Writer

As the Class of 2022 graduates, Senior Class President Azariah Crosby worked hard to make it a special year for the seniors.

“I hope to leave an impact not only on my class, but the school as well,” Crosby said. “This year was the first since 2019 that we have had a lot of our senior activities and events back and it took a lot of continuous effort to ensure we had them, so I hope my peers enjoyed the year.”

Crosby had many responsibilities as class president to ensure she had a successful year.

“As class president my responsibilities were to speak and represent the class as a whole,” Crosby said. “ I had to come up with ideas, meet with administrators and on a few occasions the superintendent. I also created proposals and had to present them in front of the admin and superintendent.”

Despite all the responsibilities, Crosby still had an enjoyable year.

“My experience as class president has been great,” Crosby said. “ Although there have been frustrating days, I would say overall I tried my best to represent the class and get everything we wanted to the best of my ability. Since I was class president freshman year that experience helped me to bring a great senior year alongside my Vice President Aniyah Kellihan and Secretary Alyssa Antonkis.”

Crosby had a memorable moment where she earned her nickname.

“My favorite memory from being class president would have to be when the Jostens representative came and referred to me as queen of deuces, today people still call me that,” Crosby said.

Crosby recalls her favorite activity that she made happen and partook in.

“My favorite Senior activity would have to be the staff vs. student dodgeball game,” Crosby said. “It was fun playing with peers and talking trash to each other the days leading up to the game.”

As Crosby’s final responsibility, she is giving her farewell speech to the Class of 2022. 

“I feel good about giving my speech at graduation since it will be my peers and their families whom I already know,” she said. “I’m not nervous about public speaking…yet, so hopefully it stays that way and it flows smoothly and everyone enjoys it since it’s not too long.” 

Crosby wants future students of MHS to not take anything for granted.

“To future students at MHS, I would say enjoy your years and live in the now and cherish the memories being made,” she said.  “High school goes by fast and you don’t want to look back and wonder what you could have done better or more.”