‘Our Father’ exposes doctor’s criminal practice
If you enjoy true crime or movies documentaries on true events then Our Father is a movie you should put on your watch list.
Our Father brought a suspenseful twist to a true story about a fertility doctor. This movie presents a story not heard of too often and needs to be exposed. Netflix released this film in May of 2022, not enough people know this absurd train of events that was caused by a known, trusted doctor.
Based on a true story that happened very close to our home, Our Father could spark a new fear for patients of fertility doctors. From a couple of DNA tests a whole story was discovered about many half-siblings that had no idea about each other existed.
The way the movie had the real victims and others who were involved in the situation expose the story created an interesting perspective. The victims told the story in pieces and introduced the wrongdoings of the doctors one-by-one to build the suspense. The doctor himself had no remorse that he had done anything wrong. He lied to his patients for years and caused a horrific impact in so many lives.
This documentary exposes how the doctor betrayed many women. Many discovered siblings they never knew their entire life. The impact on the future of their lives is drastic. All because of the same man, a great number of people are blood-related. Some are scared to use websites that can help find your ancestors because they could end up with a large number of siblings that they do not know about.
There is now fear in the hearts of the ones who may need to take a visit to a fertility doctor. One of the victims made sure to get her pain and frustration across in the film. She and many of the other victims were fighting for justice. Many of the victims wanted to bring the doctor to court to press charges, but there as no law against what he did because no one had conceived of this happening. But she didn’t give up her fight for justice.
Overall, the movie shines a light on the victim’s point of view of what happened and how they felt about it. There was a good amount of suspense throughout the movie that can keep the audience engaged in the storyline. This is a film that told a story about real events occurring near our homes, so you might want to take a few hours out of your day to watch and maybe even look deeper into the story yourself.