As winter break approaches, and you bundle up to stay warm, here are the top 5 Christmas movies to watch to keep you in the Holiday Spirit.
A Christmas Carol: This is an adventure story about Ebenezer Scrooge, and his hate for Christmas, which people believed is without reason. His overwhelming hate causes him to be visited by three ghosts: the ghost of the past, the ghost of the present, and the ghost of future, to remember what made Christmas so horrible and rediscover the true meaning behind the holiday.
Home Alone: This adventure comedy is about an 8-year-old (10 in the sequel ) boy who is unintentionally left at home by his family after an altercation. He enjoys his time alone, until he encounters some trouble. In the sequel, Home Alone 2 : Lost In New York , the same boy has yet another incident with his family which later ends up in him becoming distracted and taking a wrong flight, being separated from his family and meeting trouble, once again.
Dr. Seuss’ How The Grinch Stole Christmas!: A cranky, negative creature with a horrible history with Christmas, decides it is his turn to give others his same treatment, by making an almost successful attempt to ruin Christmas all throughout Whoville.
The Nightmare Before Christmas : This cross between a Christmas and Halloween movie can be entertaining to watch during both holidays. The story is about the king of Halloweentown plotting to steal Christmas and everything about it to become his own, but later realizes that even the most organized plans can go poorly.
Elf : In this comedic adventure movie, buddy, an elf who was raised in the North Pole can’t help but feel as if he doesn’t fit in, so he goes to discover his biological father and life outside of the North Pole. Yet, Buddy still acting like a child clashes with his life as an adult, and with him meeting his father and his newfound family.