Help out the hungry by donating canned goods

By Colin Rogers, Staff Writer

The Merrillville High School’s annual Thanksgiving food drive is going on now. The food drive will run through Nov. 12. The food drive is sponsored by Student Government.

Nonperishable goods are requested to be donated to Freshman Student Services for grades 9 and 10 and the Student Services office in the main building for 11th and 12th grades

Students can use donations to offset detentions. For every three canned goods donated, a student can get 1 detention removed and for every 10 canned goods donated, a student can get 1 Friday removed. 

The student who brings in the most canned goods for each grade level — who does not have a Friday school or detention removed — will receive a token of appreciation.

Please help donate nonperishable foods to help those who are in need this holiday season.